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Financial Aid

Private school tuition can be a deterrent for parents looking for Christian education for their children. Regardless of socio-economic status, Scofield is committed to educating academically qualified students.


We offer need-based financial aid to eligible families. Applications are made directly through the FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment tool. FACTS charges each applicant a $45 fee for this service to our school.


The application period for financial assistance for new families is open between December 1, 2024, through January 31, 2025, for the upcoming school year. You must have a submitted admissions application to be considered for financial aid. 

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All inquiries and applications are held in confidence. Applying for financial aid does not affect the admissions procedures for any student. You are required to reapply for financial aid each year. If you have questions about financial aid or the Scofield application process, please contact us at

The deadline for applying for Financial Aid via FACTS is January 31, 2025.

  • Pre-Kindergarten, Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten
    Application Coordinate a campus tour with Admissions and schedule a day for your child to be evaluated Submit all documents prior to the evaluation
  • First through Sixth Grades
    Application *Report cards showing final grades from the previous two years *Most recent report card from current year *Any available standardized test results *A classroom writing sample Schedule admission test and student visiting days (at this time we are not allowing student visiting days) Coordinate a campus tour with Admissions Submit all documents prior to your child's visit *We will request these items on your child's behalf from their current/previous school.

Financial Aid for Private School

Scofield offers

through FACTS Grant and Aid

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