Third Grade

Our third-grade program focuses on gaining competence and mastery of academic and life skills. The third-grade curriculum expands on the skills acquired in previous years and encourages our students to initiate and take responsibility for their learning. Understanding the concept of time management and learning how to plan becomes essential in third grade and helps to garnish and improve decision-making skills.
With the use of individual school-issued Chromebooks, hands-on activities, projects, and field trips, our third-grade students are exposed to learning experiences that allow them to apply their existing skills to new situations. Homework, tests, and quizzes are given in major academic areas. Time management, organizational skills, and the development of good study skills are incorporated into their learning and support a seamless transition to fourth grade at Scofield.
The weekly co-curricular classes for third grade include Art, Music, Library, Technology, Science, Spanish, and Physical Education. Throughout each study area, our teachers continue to encourage strong Christ-like character values through our Honorable Character Education program.
Third graders have the privilege of being able to participate in Cornerstone Chorale, our award-winning competitive school choir.
Students study about Christmas Around the World for their Discovery Day, a weeklong celebration of learning about other countries' traditions and cultures during Christmas time.
Field trips include a trip to the George W. Bush Presidential Library, ice skating at the Galleria, and a local musical production.